Mauritius is thought to have a large pool of well-educated young people who are considered to be versatile and easily trainable. Various reforms have been made to the education system in order to prepare for the new challenges arising from sectors such as ICT, the financial services, and biotechnology among others.
Statistics indicate that in 2017, youth employment decreased by 1,800 and youth unemployment increased by 400, translating to a 1% increase on the previous year, make the youth unemployment rate almost 25% in 2017. This rate is much higher than the overall average unemployment rate of 7.1%. Positive trends over the last 10 years however indicate that although men are more economically active than women, the gap is decreasing over time, and the overall unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since 2007, when it was 8.5%.
The National Pensions
Fund (NPF) manages contributions made to the National Pensions Scheme by
employees and employers in both the public and private sectors.
Contributions to the National Pension Fund and the levy payable under the
Industrial and Vocational Training Act, the various bonus payments, and paid
leave, can add up to 30% approximately of the basic payroll of employers. In
addition, employers must pay meal allowances in some sectors when workers
are required to work overtime. Travel allowances are payable in most sectors
if the journey between the workplace and the area where the worker lives,
exceeds a specified distance. Workers are normally paid extra if they do not
take the annual and sick leave they are entitled to.
The Pay Research
Bureau (PRB) is responsible for the review of pay and grading
structures, conditions of employment and organisational structures to
enable excellence in the delivery of service in the public sector.
The Public Officers'
Welfare Council (POWC) was set up by the Public Officers' Welfare
Council Act (No. 28) in 1992 to provide for the welfare of public
officers. The Act was subsequently amended in 1995 to enable the council
to cater for the welfare of public officers as well as their families.
Mauritius has an
active trade union movement. The Constitution explicitly protects the
right of workers to associate in trade unions. As per the Industrial
Relations Act, every employee has the right to join or refuse to join a
trade union.