The State Insurance
Company of Mauritius Ltd (SICOM) with an established presence in the
economic landscape of Mauritius since 1975, stands proudly today as one of
the leading insurance and financial companies in Mauritius. SICOM together
with its subsidiaries, SICOM General Insurance ltd (SICOM GIN), SICOM
Financial Services Ltd (SFSL), SICOM Global Fund Ltd and SICOM Management
Ltd, constitute the SICOM Group.
SICOM transacts long term business and is ranked amongst one of the top life insurance companies in the island. SICOM is a leader in Managed Pensions business in Mauritius. It has 191 statutory and private pension schemes under management with pension fund net assets of over MUR 26 billion at 30 June 2016. The company has extended and diversified its service lines over the years with a range of loan schemes to assist Mauritian families for their housing and other personal projects.