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corporate income taxFor income tax purposes, a company is defined as a corporate body (except a local authority), whether incorporated in Mauritius or abroad. A company is regarded as a separate taxable entity distinct from its shareholders. Income included in gross income for a company includes income derived from any business, rent, royalties, premium, income derived from property, dividends, interests, etc.

The Corporate Tax Rate in Mauritius stands at 15%. The Corporate Tax rate has fluctuated historically and rarely remained steady. The Corporate Tax Rate in Mauritius averaged 21.91% from 1999 until 2015, reaching an all-time high of 35% in 2000 and a record low of 15% in 2008, a fluctuation of almost 20% in a lapse of 8 years was a result of the rapidly changing economic situation of Mauritius due to its heavy dependence on foreign trade. So when markets in Europe were affected, the effects rippled as far as Mauritius. Revenues from Corporate Tax are a major source of income for the government of Mauritius.